
PL83 – Mémoire de la FMEQ

Category: Uncategorized

La FMEQ a préparé un mémoire sur la position des étudiantes et étudiants en médecine du Québec en prévision de la commission parlementaire du projet de loi 83 (PL83). Consultez-le ici!


Follow-up on CaRMS matching process integrity

Category: Uncategorized

Montreal, February 1st, 2024- The Fédération Médicale Étudiante du Québec (FMEQ) wishes to denounce any action that could compromise the integrity of the CaRMS matching process and the equality in opportunities for medical students, following a situation where the integrity…


Opening of the Election Period

Category: Uncategorized

The Fédération Médicale Étudiante du Québec (FMEQ) is thrilled to announce the opening of the election period for the 2021-2022 executive and administrative board. Please find the attached documents for more information. This year’s delegates will gladly answer your questions…


Politics Interest Group

Category: Uncategorized

Are you interested in health politics? Would you like to be more informed about the issues and news in the healthcare system in which you will practice? Join the Quebec Medical Students’ Politics Interest Group!


Report of the second general council 2020-2021

Category: Uncategorized

The second general council of the year took place last sunday. Your local associations and delegates of the executive council met and discussed the following: – Visiting Electives and AFMC portal – Standardized reference letters – Political interest group –…


CaRMS 2022 – Important dates

Category: Uncategorized

CaRMS 2022 – Application deadline: January 31. – See the following AFMC press release for more details on the 2022 resident match (R-1):  


FMEQ’s Position on the Death of Joyce Echaquan

Category: Uncategorized

The FMEQ wishes to offer its condolences to Joyce Echaquan’s family and to express its solidarity with the Attikamek community of Manawan. This tragedy was caused by the systemic racism present in Quebec and particularly in our health system. No…
