conseil executif fmeq executive council

Université de Sherbrooke – Longueil Campus

Immediate help and emergency (24/7)

Longueuil Campus: 811 (UdeS device) or 450 463-6599

Psychological support of the University

Longueuil : 450 463-1835, extension 67666

Service d’aide aux étudiants

Assistants to student life : professors interested in personal experiences of students and residents and neutral with faculty. They can refer to appropriate resources if needed.
450 466-5000
Dre Chantal Vallée, extension 2880
Dr Robert Williams, extension 3700
Dre Isabelle Arsenault, extension 3700

To file complaint:

Main Campus, health Campus and Longueuil Campus
To contact us : 819 821-7410,