The Emergency Support Program for No-Match is a new initiative by the FMEQ aimed at quickly assisting medical students who did not secure a residency match in the 2024 match cycle and are experiencing emotional or psychological distress as a result. This service also addresses the needs of unmatched students who wish to express their emotions, discuss their experiences, and share their thoughts regarding their match results.
To provide the necessary listening, support, and time for each student who reaches out to the FMEQ Academic Affairs Delegate, residents from the four Quebec medical faculties will be available to compassionately welcome students’ emotions, reactions, disappointments, and concerns.
This program is entirely voluntary for both the resident supporters and the students seeking help, and the support relationship is conducted with respect, confidentiality, and empathy. The meetings serve as a safe space where students can express themselves without fear of judgment.
Process and Duration of Support
This is a short-term support program. Starting the day before the match results are released, students who have registered to receive their results on March 18, 2025, and feel the need to talk to someone outside their close circle (family and friends) can email the FMEQ Academic Affairs Delegate, Michael Guidea, at
Within 48 hours, the student will have a Zoom or phone meeting with one of the resident supporters, lasting 30 minutes to 1 hour. The academic delegate will provide the student with the contact information of an available resident supporter. It will then be the student’s responsibility to reach out to the assigned resident supporter. Together, they will decide the details of their meeting (platform, date, and time). Once the meeting is over, the support relationship ends—unless both parties mutually agree otherwise.
This emergency support service will be available from March 4, 2025, to May 1, 2025, covering both the first and second rounds of the 2025 residency match.
For Long-Term Support
For any student seeking ongoing support following an unmatched result, we encourage you to consult the 2025 No-Match Support Program, where you can register and select a mentor. All information is available on the FMEQ Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as on the FMEQ website.
Our Support Team
They are graduated physicians currently in psychiatry residency who have volunteered to offer emotional support and a listening ear to unmatched students. They are not psychologists or practicing psychiatrists and do not provide therapy or treatment.
If you are a resident and would like to get involved, please email!