The FMEQ is divided into 4 instances:

  • The Executive Council
  • The Board of Directors
  • The General Council
  • The Congress

While the latter two are made up of representatives of local student associations, the Executive Council and the Board of Directors are composed of medical students elected by the member associations of the Federation.

Executive Council

The Executive Council is composed of twelve (12) delegates from the four faculties of medicine in Quebec, including Moncton. Here is the list of positions:

– President
– Vice President
– External Affairs Delegate
– General Secretary
– Finances and Human Resources Delegate
– Educational Affairs Delegate
– Wellness Delegate
– Political Affairs Delegate
– International and Community Affairs Delegate
– Services and Corporate Affairs Delegate
– Internal and Associative Affairs Delegate
– Communications Delegate

These delegates are responsible for the daily management and execution of the mandates entrusted to them by the various instances. They carry out the strategic planning and are responsible for proposing strategies to implement it. They act as representatives of all members of the Federation.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of eight (8) members. It is responsible for any matter relating to the administration, financial management and human resources management of the Federation. The exercise of their powers are regulated by the Quebec laws.

Term of Mandate

The term for all officers of the Federation is one year, starting on July 1st and ending on June 30th of the following year.

Election period

Elections for the President position takes place at the 4th meeting of the General Council, which is usually held in March. Annual elections for all other positions are held at the Federation’s annual Congress, usually held at the end of April.

The election period shall be a minimum of four (4) weeks and shall begin a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the opening of the Annual Congress. The annual election period may be extended by one (1) week if one of the positions has not been filled. In such case, a notice shall be issued by the Election Committee to the associations to inform them of the situation. It must indicate the positions for which no candidacy has been received and must be sent the day following the end of the initial election period. The election of the President is governed by the same procedures.

No advertisement related to the campaign is permitted. Only the distribution of an action plan and the documents required to apply are permitted.


When the candidacy period opens, a publication will be sent by the Election Committee within the next 2 working days of the start of the election period. During this period, the candidate must produce the following documents:
– A letter of motivation of no more than 400 words.
– The candidacy form, completed (Annexe 1 of our general regulations)

These documents will be made available to the associations and candidates one week before the end of the election period.

Candidates for the President position must obtain a letter from each campus (main and off-campus) attesting that they have presented themselves and answered the questions of the association members during one of its instances or a meeting organised for this purpose. The terms and conditions are at the discretion of the association.

During the voting session, each candidate has a speaking time accompanied by a question period.


Each association has eight (8) votes to distribute as it wishes between the candidates and the chair for each position. To be elected, the candidate must receive a majority (> 50%) of the votes, i.e. 17 votes or more. If no candidate nor the chair receives a majority, a second round of voting takes place on the same day with the two candidates that received the most votes.

If no candidate receives a majority of the votes in the second round, the position will be declared vacant and a new election period will then be scheduled.

International and Community Affairs Delegate

The election of the International and Community Affairs Delegate does not fall under the Federation’s responsibilities. IFMSA-Québec is responsible for the election of their President, who will then automatically become the International and Community Affairs delegate on the Federation’s Executive Council once elected.

For the exact wording, please refer to the FMEQ’s General Regulations. In case of discrepancies between the content of this page and our General Regulations, the latter takes precedence.