Immediate help and emergency (24/7)
Moncton Campus: 4100 (UdeMoncton device) or 506-858-4100
Psychological support
Service de psychologie Centre étudiant, local C-101
18, avenue Antonine-Maillet
Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick) E1A 3E9
Health services
Health office, George-L.-Dumont hospital. Mrs Jocelyne Bannister 506 862-4082 Nurse, service to be refered to psychological and counselling resources.
Aide à la vie étudiante (AVE)
Assistants to student life : professors interested in personal experiences of students and residents and neutral with faculty. They can refer to appropriate resources if needed.
Dre Denise Melanson-Candela
506 863-2254 ou Secrétaire à l’hôpital 506 862-2920
To file complaint:
Carmen Hivon, advisor. Service d’intervention en matière de harcèlement